On Sunday evening take a moment to define the week. Craft of a vision of how the week will unfold. Define items you need to accomplish and set reminders for things like doctor appointments, recitals, or when your big report is due. Little things
such as setting out your clothes or making the kids' lunches the evening before
will avoid the morning rush to make the day to flow more smoothly. 

Make a List
Block out Time
Life has a way of interrupting when you are trying to
get work done. A phone call, the urgent email, or the coworker who needs immediate help inevitably impedes progress. To combat this block off time in your day to tackle specific items. Close your door, turn off the email, put your phone on do not disturb. You will accomplish much more if you focus
solely on a dedicated task.
Avoid digital distractions
We love to see the latest tweets, facebook updates, or read emails immediately
but we can get in the habit of always being connected. This leads to a feeling
of constant multitasking. Turn off email
alerts and check messages every 30 or 60 minutes. You can fully engaged on the project at hand. Another tip is to consolidate all your different emails accounts into one by automated forwards. Then you aren’t having to check
various accounts so often.
Have a Life
Create blocks of time to focus on having
fun with your family or friends. Schedule
an evening out or enjoy some of your hobbies .You need to make time to decompress. This helps clear your
mind providing the ability to focus more intensely when you need to.
You can increase your productivity and actually have more
free time just by making small changes to how you approach each day. Have other productivity tips to share? Please comment below and let’s get more stuff
done together!